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User account
Natural person
Natural person
(at the counter)
Legal person
For all natural persons.
Application at a cantonal or communal registration office at the counter:
List of registration offices
Click on "Download application form" and fill in the form.
With the completed application form and an identification document (Prerequisite:
see application form
) you go to a registration office in person. The registration office will check your details and open your user account (ZUGLOGIN).
Important for residents of Zug
: To access specific applications for residents (e.g. eSteuern), you must click on the menu item "Link user account" after successfully log in to ZUGLOGIN for the first time.
Download application form
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Online Help
Helpdesk (24h)
Domestic: 0848 63 63 63
International: +41 848 63 63 63